MNsure's COO to step down in July

Erik Larson, MNsure's chief operating officer is stepping down in mid-July.

In a letter to staff of the state's online insurance marketplace, MNsure CEO Scott Leitz announced that Larson would leave July 11.

Leitz lauded Larson for providing valuable leadership from the troubled launch of the website through open enrollment and beyond. Leitz said Larson made MNsure work for Minnesotans.

Larson is the second high profile MNsure executive to leave in recent months. In May, MNsure's Chief Financial Officer Barb Juelich also stepped down.

Leitz said MNsure would work to fill the COO position before Larson leaves.

MNsure's long-term future is in flux right now as the insurance exchange and its new general contractor decide how much of the website can be salvaged and how MNsure should be governed.

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