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Poll: Same-sex marriage approval reaches MN high

After a divisive fight over whether to legalize same-sex marriage, more Minnesotans now approve of it than ever before, according to a new poll by Public Policy Polling.

"About a year after gay marriage became legal in the state, support for it has hit an all time high in our polling with 52% of voters in favor of it to only 40% who are opposed," according to a press release from the firm.

Approval is up from 49 percent right after same-sex marriage was legalized in 2013. It may be because most Minnesotans don't feel same-sex marriage affects their lives; 80 percent of those surveyed said letting gay couples get married has had a positive impact or no impact at all on their lives.

The latest PPP poll was conducted between June 12 and 15. It included 633 registered voters and has a margin of error of 3.9 percent.

The poll also asked registered Minnesota voters what they thought of the Legislature, and neither party fared well. Only 35 percent approved of the DFL majority performance while 45 percent disapproved. The numbers were worse for Republicans, with only 23 percent approving and 57 percent disapproving.

The survey also found strong support for medical marijuana, which was legalized this session, and support crosses party lines. Roughly 74 percent support medical marijuana while 18 percent are opposed.

Finally, 65 percent of the people included in the survey said they are Twins fans.

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