
‘Technology and stuff’ makes truck salesman famous

There isn't anybody in the radio business who is going to give Rikk Wilde a hard time.

Most of us have been there. You've just run up a flight of stairs, or you're nervous to begin with, and when the microphone goes on, there you are unable to remember whether it's time to breathe in or breathe out, slowly suffocating.

It happened to Wilde last night when his job was to deliver a well rehearsed speech on national TV.

"It has... technology and stuff," Wilde said.

When Wilde woke up today -- if he was able to sleep at all -- he found out he'd become a meme.

"The Chevy leadership team called and told him he did nothing wrong. It's all good. Everyone here has his back," said Michael Albano, the brand's top spokesman, said today after a vice president of Chevrolet called Wilde.

By this afternoon, Chevrolet was all in on Wilde's worst night of his life. Check the website.


The Detroit Free Press reports the hugely-human moment brought Chevrolet the equivalent of $2.4 million of exposure, or about $2 million more in value than if it had been delivered flawlessly.