On Campus Blog

MnSCU audit lays out Metro State payroll SNAFU

You may remember Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system Chancellor Steven Rosenstone calling for an audit two years ago of Metropolitan State University's payroll operations, whose SNAFUs had been overpaying some faculty while underpaying others.

All in all, the university made more than $300,000 in overpayments, and almost $136,000 in underpayments, according to a report that MnSCU has released.

The snapshot:

  • The university had been unable to deal with significant turnover, both in human-resource staffing leadership as well as academic leadership.

  • The payment process for faculty is "overly complex," and needs to be simplified. In addition, the university has "unique provisions" within the Inter Faculty Organization bargaining agreement that further complicates matters.

  • Metro State is different from other universities in that it has many more community faculty than resident faculty, which adds complexity to the payment procedure.

  • The university has a paper-based process for approving faculty pay, which needs improvement.

Here's the full report, which includes responses from administration:


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