Como Zoo's baby gorilla to make public debut

Arlene, the baby Western Lowland Gorilla
Arlene, the baby Western Lowland Gorilla born in February, clung to her mother Dara during her introduction to the public at Como Zoo in St. Paul, Friday, May 8, 2015.
Jeffrey Thompson | MPR News

A baby gorilla born late this winter at Como Zoo will appear at the zoo's Gorilla Forest exhibit starting Friday.

Arlene was born on Feb. 22 to mother Dara. Since Arlene's birth, the mother and daughter have been kept in rooms behind the exhibit to bond and establish a successful breastfeeding pattern.

Como Zoo senior keeper Allison Jungheim said Dara has taken well to motherhood.

"Right from the get-go she knew how to hold the baby properly, and she's got a very nurturing way about her," Jungheim said. "When she's holding the baby, she'll tap her fingers, and bounce her up and down a little. It's a very human-like way to soothe a baby."

Gorilla infants are usually carried on their mother's chests for their first three months. The baby will typically start to ride on her mother's back at about six months of age.

Arlene will now join the family troop of gorillas at the zoo, which includes her 11-year-old mother Dara, 29-year-old father Schroeder and females Nne and Alice. The zoo also has three bachelor gorillas in a separate exhibit.

Another baby gorilla was born in November, but died four days later.

The Como Zoo is also home to a baby Emperor tamarin born on March 31 and a baby giraffe born in November.