
Video: Gopher hoops warm-up routine from the ‘Flip era’

Of the many memories of Flip Saunders being shared in the aftermath of his death yesterday, a mention in Star Tribune reporter Amelia Rayno's story this morning piqued my curiosity because I'm not from here.

On Sunday, fans remembered moments long before Saunders’ time in the NBA, recounting his goofy role in the Gophers’ old “pregame warmup” spectacles during the ’70s, when the team would perform acrobatic-like drills to entertain fans.

“They used to put on quite a show,” said Denny Siems, who along with his wife, Deb, and their neighbors Denny and Dori Lynde have followed the Gophers around to road games for decades.

"A show," you say.

A search of YouTube this afternoon yielded what I was looking for.

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