Humankind documentary: 'The Power of Nonviolence'

Emanuel AME Church
Mourners pass by a make-shift memorial, Thursday, June 18, 2015, on the sidewalk of in front of the Emanuel AME Church following a shooting Wednesday night in Charleston, S.C. Shooting suspect Dylann Storm Roof, 21, was captured without resistance in North Carolina Thursday after an all-night manhunt, Charleston's police chief Greg Mullen said. (AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton)
Stephen B. Morton | AP

Concluding the week of Martin Luther King's birthday with a documentary from the Humankind series, called "The Power of Nonviolence." Mounting levels of violence here and abroad have been fueled by religious and racial tensions. After a mass shooting, So. Carolina church members offered forgiveness to unlock the vicious cycle of retaliation and revenge. This hour you'll hear the stories of peacemakers.

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