What's breaking the Republican Party?

The 11th GOP debate
The 11th GOP debate, at the historic Fox Theatre in Detroit on March 3, may have been the most bruising yet for Donald Trump, as rivals Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz largely ignored each other to concentrate on the front-runner.
Carlos Osorio | AP

As the race for the Republican nomination turns to Michigan, MPR News host Kerri Miller talks to two political writers about why the party's base is moving in a different direction from its establishment.

What does it mean when many GOP voters yearn so avidly for someone who has never held office? What does the party have to say to white voters who feel like a changing America is leaving them behind? And voters of color who are part of those changes?

In his new book, "Why the Right Went Wrong: Conservatism--From Goldwater to the Tea Party and Beyond", E.J. Dionne writes: "For the rank and file right, the sense that their leaders had failed them and the political system had shortchanged them...created a cycle of radicalization. We are living with its fruits today."

Matt Lewis's new book is called "Too Dumb to Fail: How the GOP Betrayed the Reagan Revolution to Win Elections (and How It Can Reclaim Its Conservative Roots)". In it, he argues "that anti-intellectualism, coupled with an unconservative brand of hubris...is among the most insidious diseases this generation of conservatives must eradicate."

MPR News host Kerri Miller talked with both Dionne and Lewis about the future of the GOP.

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