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Rain ahead, 80s return next week

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. -Albert Camus

Savoring September

September weather in Minnesota is like a good friend. A refreshing greeting is usually followed by a warm embrace. In many ways September can be the best weather month of the year in Minnesota. There's still plenty of sunshine and daylight. Lakes still warm enough to play in. Temperatures comfortable for most. Your furnace still lies dormant, and your AC gets a rest. Wide open windows invite fresh breezes. A vibrant colored landscape sits under a Toy Story sky.

Rainfall returns to Minnesota as Thursday wears on. Another soaking arrives in the metro later Thursday night into Friday morning. Temperatures rebound to late summer levels by Sunday and into next week. Some towns west of the Twin Cities make a run at 90 degrees one more time by next Tuesday.

Hopefully your summer bucket list items are checked off already. If not, you'll get one more chance starting Sunday.

A stiff breeze last Sunday for the E Scow National Championship on Lake Minnetonka. Pail Huttner/MPR news

  • 27 degrees low temperature at Togo in northern Minnesota this morning

  • 47 degrees low temperatures at MSP Airport this morning

  • Coldest temperatures since May 18th across Minnesota

  • 5 straight days without measurable rainfall at MSP Airport

Rain returns Thursday

We've had a good run of dry days  this week. The sump pump at Huttner Weather Lab is finally in chill mode after a  hyper-active summer.

The next low pressure system pushes into Minnesota Thursday night. Spotty showers roam western Minnesota Thursday. The main rain (and thunder) waves arrive in the metro Thursday night into Friday morning.

NOAA's NAM 4 km resolution model favors bands of rain marching east across Minnesota later Thursday night into Friday morning.

NOAA NAM 4 km simulated radar via College of Dupage.

The past few model runs favor a more progressive system, and have backed off metro rainfall totals a bit. Widespread rainfall totals between .50" and 1" appear to be the most likely scenario. Still, some 1-2"+ rainfall pockets are possible if storms stall for any length of time.

NOAA NAM 4 km rainfall via College of Dupage.

Nicer weekend ahead

A faster moving weather system means Friday's showers give way to more sunshine this weekend. Temperatures approach 80 degrees once again in southern Minnesota by Monday. Summer not done just yet.


Summer returns next week

Our upper air pattern shifts into summer mode one more time by Monday and Tuesday.


Metro temperatures in the upper 80 seem likely by Tuesday afternoon. Dew points will climb again toward the 70 degree mark. We're not done with summer days just yet.

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Fall color update

Splashes of color are increasing in Minnesota's landscape. Here's the latest fall color update form the Minnesota DNR.


Minnesota DNR

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Amazing structure on radar.

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