How can we reduce stigma in mental health?

The stigma associated with mental health issues can prevent people from accessing the help they need. As part of the ongoing Big Questions series at the University of Minnesota, four panelists met on Dec. 5th to discuss ways to move beyond stigma in mental health with MPR News host Tom Weber

The Big Questions series is a collaboration between the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts and MPR News.


Victoria Blakeborough, a University of Minnesota senior; student advisor and past president of Active Minds, a student group at the University of Minnesota working to raise mental health awareness.

Dr. Glenn Hirsch, a licensed psychologist and Director of Student Counseling Services at the University of Minnesota

Richard Lee, a professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota

Abeer Syedah, 2016-2017 student body president at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities and a senior studying political science, gender studies, and sociology.