Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Snowblind? Fresh snow cover’s bright “albedo”

Chances are you fumbled for the Ray Bans today. Fresh snow cover. Increasingly intense February sun. It's seriously bright out there these days.

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Bright sunlight reflects off fresh snow cover in the Twin Cities. Image: Paul Huttner/MPR News.


So what makes that layer of fresh Arctic fluff so eye-searing? Say hello to our old friend "albedo." Albedo is a measure of the amount of light reflected by various surfaces.

A fresh snow cover reflects 85 to 90 percent of the sun's rays back at your eyes. Compare that with about 30 percent on your lawn in summer and about 10 percent on blacktop.

Albedo of various landscapes. Image via University of Arizona.

Southern snow again Thursday

Our next snow system sails along this week's southern storm track Thursday evening.

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NOAA GFS model Thursday via tropical tidbits.

The southwest Twin Cities may get dusted one more time. A swath of 1 to 3 inches swipes southern Minnesota Thursday night. The I-90 corridor may pile up another 4 inches, with heavier totals as you head south into Iowa.

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Temperatures moderate next week

The weather pattern still looks milder next week. Thermometers push into the upper 20s by Monday and Tuesday.

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NOAA via Weather Bell.

The European model still pushes highs into the 30s later next week.

Stay tuned.