Adam Winkler: How did we get here on guns?

Adam Winkler, UCLA law professor
Adam Winkler, professor of constitutional law at UCLA and author of the books "We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights" (2018) and "Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America" (2012).
Todd Cheney

The gun debate in America is heated, in part, because there is a complicated and little-known history of gun laws in America.

On Monday's show, a number of listeners called in with questions about how we got to the reached a political stalemate on guns.

Tuesday on MPR News with Kerri Miller, UCLA constitutional law professor Adam Winkler talked about the context around the Second Amendment's creation and how history influences the modern-day debate.

Winkler is the author of "Gunfight: the Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America." His newest book is titled,

Use the audio player to hear the full conversation above.

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