The best advice you ever got from your mom

Mom's Cup
It's true what they say: Moms know best.
Britt Reints | Creative Commons

There's a reason we turn to our mothers for advice — even as adults — when faced with a problem and that's because our moms always have the answers. They're always right and they truly know best. (Sorry for all those times we talked back to you, moms of the world. We know now that you were just looking out for us.)

We asked our readers and listeners for some of the best words of wisdom their mothers have passed on. Here are a few that caught our eye.

To moms and their long-lasting guidance. Happy Mother's Day!

Our readers and listeners share the best advice their mothers gave them.
Our readers and listeners share the best advice their mothers gave them.
MPR News

This was said to me every single time my mom went to find the scissors I moved. Or the scotch tape I failed to put back in the drawer.

— Jennifer Johnson

Don't "should" on yourself. Don't "I should have done this, I should have done that." Move on.

— Chris Rodriguez

Regarding challenging relationships and whether one should step away: If it's not easy now, it's never going to get easier.

— Enrique Olivarez

Take care of your skin. My mom told me to wash my face twice a day and got me started with a daily skincare routine when I was young. Twenty years later, I am very proud of my skin and that is thanks to her and her good habits.

— Amanda Arend

Our readers and listeners share the best advice their mothers gave them.
Our readers and listeners share the best advice their mothers gave them.
MPR News

Don't ever lean on a man alone to take care of you; show that you can be the breadwinner in the family and be proud of that.

— Samantha Schwanke

Shortly after I turned 18, my mom was getting on me about something (I don't remember what), and I said to her "Mom, I'm 18 now. I expect to be treated like an adult." She replied, "Good. I expect you to act like one."

Touché, Mom. Touché.

That brief exchange was an important lesson about acting in a manner consistent with how I expect to be treated. If you want to be given responsibilities, be responsible. If you want to be trusted, be trustworthy. If you want to be treated like a professional at your job or an interview, act like a professional, and so on. I have never since expected to be treated in any way that I wasn't willing to earn with my actions.

— Mark Leppert

Always wear clean underwear in case you are in an accident.

— Sherry Sneberger

Our readers and listeners share the best advice their mothers gave them.
Our readers and listeners share the best advice their mothers gave them.
MPR News

It reminds me that the things my kids remember, and the things I remember, aren't "stuff" but moments and simple toys.

— Shruti M. Desai

When you eat in a restaurant, order something you don't know how to cook.

— Ann Nordby

Be nice.

— Laura McCallum, MPR's managing editor of daily news, who really is one of the nicest people around. She was one of the 10,000 who volunteered during Super Bowl week and spent one of those shifts — get this — scrubbing bathrooms.