Hues you can use: Fall colors spread in NW Minnesota

Northwest Minnesota is in full swing
Northwest Minnesota is in full swing as the leaves change color.
Courtesy of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Minnesota's fall beauty is running just a tad late this year compared to 2017, but the show's still good.

Northwestern and north-central Minnesota continue to take the top spots in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' weekend color finder. Leaves in those areas are about 25 percent to 50 percent turned.

Check out a few of the DNR's highlights and suggestions of where to go:

Big Bog State Recreation Area

Walk the Old Marina Trail in the southern unit of the park. Great blue heron, waterfowl, beaver and even a moose have been seen enjoying the protection of the old marina from the winds and waves of Upper Red Lake.

Schoolcraft State Park

Aspen and birch trees that are scattered throughout the park are starting to show their color; the oaks aren't far behind. Because Schoolcraft State Park is predominantly a shaded pine forest, you won't find too many flowers, but you can expect to see a few asters and goldenrods peeking through.

Old Mill State Park

The trails along the river are showing the most color. Fall flowers and grasses are out along the prairie trails. Shrubs are turning yellow and red in the woods. The box elder in the picnic area are turning yellow.

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