How concerned should we be about climate change?

Sun sets over sea ice in the Victoria Strait along the Northwest Passage
Studies show the Arctic is heating up twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Scientists are concerned because impacts of a warming Arctic may be felt elsewhere.
David Goldman | AP 2017

In September, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated that climate change is the defining issue of our time, estimating that countries have until 2020 to come up with robust decarbonization solutions.

In a recent New York Times opinion piece, titled "Time to Panic," David Wallace-Wells highlighted changes we've seen in climate change over the past few decades, key moments where the United States and other global leaders could have intervened sooner, and the dangers of being slow to take action.

MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke to Brenda Ekwurzel, senior climate scientist and the director of climate science for the Climate & Energy Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, about the present state of climate change, current solutions to halt it and the likely consequences to our planet if we are unable to make any significant changes in the near future.

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