St. John's University president to step down in August

Michael Hemesath
Michael Hemesath, St. John's University president, plans to step down in August.
Courtesy of St. John's University

St. John's University president Michael Hemesath — the first layperson to be appointed to a full term at the 162-year-old Catholic university — will step down on Aug. 1.

Hemesath, a graduate of the central Minnesota school, was named its 13th president in 2012. He taught economics at Carleton College before taking over at St. John's.

As president, he oversaw a capital campaign, the renovation of the university library and the expansion of its athletic facilities. Hemesath said in a statement Tuesday that leading St. John's has been the greatest privilege of his academic life.

St. John's plans to appoint an interim president while it decides how to choose a permanent replacement.