Welcome to a refreshed MPR News

Website gets an updated look and feel, with you in mind

Nancy Yang works on the MPRnews.org homepage during the morning meeting.
MPRnews.org has a refreshed look with the audience in mind. The updated site launched on Tuesday, with more changes to come.
Evan Frost | MPR News

You may notice some changes to MPRnews.org. The changes, which will be rolling out in the following days and weeks, have been designed with you in mind at every turn.

A few of the improvements you will notice:

  • The size of the type and the typeface is slightly larger for enhanced readability, especially on mobile devices.

  • You can find the live audio stream at the top of all of our pages when you are viewing the site on a desktop. It remains on the bottom of your mobile device for ease of listening as well.

  • Our weather page uses data from the National Weather Service and has been modified to include a six-day weekly forecast as well as a 48-hour forecast with icons for quick browsing.

    The weather page gets an update on MPR News.
    The weather page on MPRnews.org has an updated look.
    MPR News
  • Photo galleries can now be viewed in a slideshow, which should help you navigate more of our award-winning photojournalism.

  • The buttons that let you share our stories are easier to find so you can decide what social platform you want to use to share our journalism with your network.

We developed and rolled out a new content management system (CMS), which is the system that publishes our stories, podcasts and radio shows to this website.

While you can't see that, the CMS has been completely modified to help all of our journalists get news and information to you more easily and more rapidly, as we maintain the journalistic excellence and standards you expect from us.

Our commitment to serving you is unwavering.

We are here to answer your questions as you experience the refreshed MPRnews.org.

You can always email Member and Audience Services here with your questions or concerns.

Or you can fill out the box below with any questions, thoughts or recommendations and we will get back to you.

Don’t see the box? Submit your thoughts by clicking here!

Thank you for being a part of MPR News.

Chris Graves is managing editor of digital at MPR News.