MPR News with Angela Davis

‘Under Purple Skies’ highlights great breadth of Minnesota writing

When you think of Minnesota writing, what comes to mind? What do Minnesotans value, worry about, perseverate on?

A new anthology, “Under Purple Skies,” features work created in — and about — Minneapolis and its surrounding area.

Ahmed Yusuf reads Safe in Minnesota (English)
by MPR
Ahmed Yusuf reads Safe in Minnesota (Somali)
by MPR
Gwen Nell Westerman reads Dakota Homecoming
by MPR
Kris Bigalk reads On Minnehaha Creek in May
by MPR

In the collection, there are pieces about Prince, about the willows along Minnehaha Creek, about surviving the winter, about the experience of being Native American in Minnesota. There are pieces by Marlon James, Kevin Kling, Shannon Gibney, Bao Phi, and dozens of others who live in or have passed through the Twin Cities.

MPR News’ Stephanie Curtis talked with three guests about the collection and what defines Minnesota writers today.


Frank Bures, editor, “Under Purple Skies: The Minneapolis Anthology”

Laurie Hertzel, senior editor for books at the Star Tribune, Minneapolis

Kao Kalia Yang, contributor to “Under Purple Skies: The Minneapolis Anthology” and author of several books, including “The Song Poet”

To listen to the full conversation you can use the audio player above.

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