Daily dose of sweetness: Teachers, school staff parade through Pine Island

A woman waves through the sunroof of a car.
Kara Cordes, a member of the Pine Island school district support staff, waves to neighborhood residents as the teachers and staff paraded through Pine Island, Minn., on Friday to show support for distance learning put in place due to the coronavirus.
Jerry Olson for MPR News

From acts of kindness and sweet gestures to inspirational signs, here are some of the ways Minnesotans are lifting one another during the coronavirus pandemic.

Discover something that brightens your day? We may include it here. Email it to nyang@mpr.org.

A boy draws with chalk on the street
Pine Island sixth-grader Tyler Beck draws on the street on Friday. Careful to keep a safe distance apart, residents of Pine Island waited for a parade of teachers to show support for distance learning put in place due to the coronavirus.
Jerry Olson for MPR News

Teachers and staff from the Pine Island school district paraded through the southern Minnesota community on Friday to show support for the new distance-learning program that goes into effect next week.

Kids and families gathered — keeping a safe distance apart — to watch the parade pass by.

A man on a riding lawn mower watches a parade.
Keeping a safe distance apart, residents of Pine Island wave to a parade of teachers and school staff on Friday.
Jerry Olson for MPR News

Classes were canceled for most of the past couple weeks at public schools across Minnesota to allow educators time to prepare distance-learning plans.

In Pine Island, and in districts across the state, schools will remain closed until early May due to the coronavirus pandemic — but coursework will resume online.