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Soaking rain favors western Minnesota; more October than May this week

Rainfall totals of a half inch to 1 inch favor western Minnesota; light rain at best for Twin Cities

Forecast rainfall totals through Tuesday
Forecast rainfall totals through Tuesday
Twin Cities National Weather Service

Well, at least it was a glorious weekend.

Our weather takes an October-y turn this week. Temperatures crash as cold Canadian air pours south one more time. In fact, several waves of unseasonably cold air pour south across the Midwest this week.

Temperatures will feel more like October as we head through this week and into early next week. Highs in the 50s to near 60, and overnight lows in the 30s run 5 to 10 degrees colder than average for the Twin Cities this week.

Temperature forecast for Twin Cities
Temperature forecast for Twin Cities
NOAA via Weather Bell

The average high and low for the Twin Cities this week are 67 and 46.

Rain favors western Minnesota

Our inbound rain system fades as it moves east into Minnesota Tuesday.

NOAA NAM 3 km model through Tuesday
NOAA NAM 3 km model through Tuesday
NOAA via tropical tidbits

Western Minnesota will see soaking rains between a half inch and 1 inch in many areas. The Twin Cities and eastern Minnesota will have to make do with sprinkles and light rain.

Forecast rainfall totals through Tuesday
Forecast rainfall totals through Tuesday
Twin Cities National Weather Service