Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Wintry mix crosses northern Minnesota into early Friday

Winter weather advisories for northwest Minnesota.

“All weather is local.” -Anonymous

We get another weather reminder this Thursday that Minnesota is a tall state. It’s about 400 miles from the Northwest Angle in Lake of the Woods, straight south to the Iowa border.

Google maps

Minnesota is so tall, that it takes 7 NWS Offices to cover all parts of our MPR News coverage area, which includes parts of the eastern Dakotas and northern Iowa.

National Weather Services Office coverage areas
National Weather Services Office coverage areas

That’s why when I forecast “Minnesota’s weather” during our daily weather chats, it can be like forecasting for several different states.

Big temperature contrast

Thursday is a great example. Temperatures Thursday afternoon ranged from the upper 20s in northwest Minnesota, the nearly 60 degrees in the far southeast.

Temperatures Thursday afternoon
Temperatures Thursday afternoon
Oklahoma Mesonet

Wintry weather up north

A winter weather advisory is pasted across the northwest part of Minnesota overnight.

Expect a mix of glaze ice and a light snowy coating in many areas. Big storm? No. Enough to make for some slick roads? Absolutely.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s NAM 3 km resolution model paints areas of rain, snow, and ice across Minnesota overnight into early Friday morning.

NOAA NAM 3 km model from 7 pm Thursday to 9 am Friday
NOAA NAM 3 km model from 7 pm Thursday to 9 am Friday
NOAA via tropical tidbits

High pressure Friday brings sunshine and seasonably chilly weather conditions.

Forecast high temperatures Friday
Forecast high temperatures Friday

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