Crime, Law and Justice

Lawsuit accuses law firm boss of firing pro-Trump employees

Three former partners at a St. Cloud, Minn. law firm are suing the firm’s president after he fired them and other employees he felt supported former President Donald Trump.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Wednesday that William Kain, Margaret Henehan and Kelsey Quarberg are alleging wrongful termination.

According to the lawsuit, the three were partners at the Kain and Scott law firm. They allege the president, Wesley Scott, was upset by the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 and told the firm’s operations manager to fire two employees he considered racist because they supported Trump and police on social media. When the manager refused he fired her and another employee.

Scott then fired the partners after they told him it’s illegal to fire someone for their political beliefs. He went so far as to call police to remove the pregnant Quarberg from the office, saying she was trespassing and physically threatening him. He told other employees at the firm that the partners were violating “everything that is dear to us, and I won't let that happen.”

Scott told the Star Tribune on Tuesday that he hadn't seen the lawsuit and wouldn't comment until he'd read it.

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