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Art Hounds: A dose of natural beauty, a pinch of Halloween horror

Mist and fog over some rocks.
"November Night at Stoney Point" by Dudley Edmondson, 2012. Edmondson's photographs are in a current exhibit at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum in Winona, Minn.
Courtesy of Dudley Edmondson

Stan Takiela from Victoria, Minn., recommends an exhibition by fellow wildlife photographer Dudley Edmondson of Duluth. Edmondson has a passion for wild places and for getting people of color outdoors. This photography exhibit, “Northern Waters,” focused entirely on landscapes, captures the waters of Minnesota’s North Shore and its tributaries throughout the seasons.

A man poses while holding a camera.
A portrait of Dudley Edmondson. His "Northern Waters" exhibit is on display at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum in Winona, Minn.
Courtesy of Chad Brown

“Dudley Edmondson’s eye for photography and videography is, I think, some of the best in the upper Midwest,” says Takiela, who admires Edmondson’s precision and eye for color and composition that allow him to capture images that tell a story.

A clear lake surrounded by trees.
South Hegman Lake in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
Courtesy of Dudley Edmondson

Edmondson’s photography is on view in person and online at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum in Winona through Jan. 2.

Scot Froelich from New Hope recommends a one-man play that dives deep into the horror of being alone, surrounded by the unknown. “Brig” is written and performed by St. Paul actor Jeremy Motz, who often works in solo shows. He plays a boatswain who has locked himself away on his own ship to protect himself from the horror he has witnessed. Confined in a small space with the creak of footsteps above, he unfurls a ghost story that Froelich found himself discussing with friends long afterward.

“It's very masterfully crafted to make you keep questioning in your mind whether or not what you're seeing is reality,” says Froelich, “whether it's something that we should be fearing in our own lives, or if it's just this horror show that we're seeing in front of us.”

The 35-minute show is available for digital viewing through Halloween at

Jill Chamberlain saw the theater production of “The Red Shoes” when it debuted at the Open Eye Theatre in 2017, and the show has stuck with her ever since. The one-act play takes its inspiration from the classic story of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen, adding a film noir mystery twist.

Chamberlain is curious to see how a show about a woman afraid to leave her apartment will take on new layers of meaning amid a pandemic. There are indeed haunted red shoes in the show, as well as manipulated objects in an intricate scene design that blur the lines of reality.

Delayed from its March 2020 reprise, the show is running Thursdays through Sundays at the Open Eye Theatre in Minneapolis through Oct. 31. The theater requires masks as well as proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID test within 72 hours.

This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.