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MPR News

From Minnesota Public Radio News, Art Hounds are members of the Minnesota arts community who look beyond their own work to highlight what's exciting in local art.

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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

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Art Hounds: ‘Opera Underground,’ ‘Strange Paradises’ and an indie rock musical
Mankato residents collaborate on an exhibit of sculpture and painting. A rock musical in Minneapolis shows how to make the most of very little time left and an opera company creates venue mystery.
Art Hounds recommend one-act plays, two generations of artists and art of the fjords
Art Hounds recommend Theatre Du Mississippi’s One Act Play Festival, “Reflections and Conversations: Monica Rudquist and Jerry Rudquist” and the exhibit “Sund: Notes from the Sea.”
Art Hounds on fabric, dragons and freedom
From MPR News, Art Hounds are members of the Minnesota arts community who look beyond their own work to highlight what’s exciting in local art. This week, they recommend fabric collages, dragon-themed theater and photographs on the subject of freedom.