
Minneapolis VA reschedules health care appointments due to network issues

A man stands at a table behind a flag.
A network issue has impacted the Minneapolis VA Health Care System.
Paul Middlestaedt for MPR News 2021

The Minneapolis VA Health Care System is working to quickly reschedule appointments as widespread network issues impact services.

The network issues began early Thursday morning, a spokesperson told MPR News, taking down the servers and phones. That means providers are unable to pull up a patient's medical history or historical data.

A VA official said they are canceling and rescheduling appointments as they can.

“If a veteran does show up for their appointment, we will provide the appointment with abbreviated services if that is what the veteran desires,” Minneapolis VA spokesperson Brad L. Doboszenski said in a dictated statement.

Doboszenski was unable to send an email statement due to the network issues.

It's unclear what caused the network to fail, he said, but they're seeing as many patients as they can.