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Air quality alert Tuesday and Wednesday; chance of midweek storms

Warmer Tuesday, more muggy Wednesday

AQ Alert
Air quality alert for northeastern and southern Minnesota Tuesday and Wednesday
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Updated 11:55 a.m.

Smoke has returned to the skies, prompting air quality alerts across Minnesota. Temperatures will be warmer Tuesday with spotty thunderstorms to the north. Wednesday will bring a statewide chance of storms.

Smoky skies are back bringing poor air quality

An air quality alert is posted for northeastern, east-central and southern Minnesota through midnight Thursday. Tuesday’s forecast calls for air to be unhealthy for sensitive groups (orange) for much of northeastern and southern Minnesota.

AQ fcst TUE
Air quality forecast for Tuesday
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Smoke has returned to the skies from eastern Canada, blowing in from the northeast ahead of an area of high pressure moving out of the region.

According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, we’re up to 23 air quality alerts this year which is a new record, beating the previous 21 set in 2021. The average number of air quality alerts is just two to three.

Check out the latest air quality conditions and forecasts from the MPCA:

Warmer with possible thunderstorms

Tuesday will be warmer with highs in the mid-80s south and near 80 north. Areas near Lake Superior will be cooler, in the 70s. 

TUE hi 9a
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

Spotty showers and thunderstorms will develop Tuesday afternoon in northwestern Minnesota and spread into northeastern Minnesota later in the evening. That risk of shower and storms will spread statewide late Tuesday night into Wednesday.

precip 9a
Forecast precipitation 9 a.m. Tuesday through 2 a.m. Thursday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

There’s even a slight risk of severe storms for parts of southern Minnesota Wednesday.

Severe weather outlook for Wednesday
National Weather Service

While most of Minnesota will not see a widespread soaking, northeastern Minnesota looks to potentially receive the most rainfall where conditions are very dry.

Forecast total potential precipitation through Friday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Things look to be mainly dry and more stable heading into the weekend with the return of hotter weather by early next week.

outlook NWS
Temperatures will be heating up again as we begin July
National Weather Service