
Former St. Paul teacher killed in attacks in Israel

An Israeli schoolteacher who spent six years teaching in St. Paul is being remembered for his devotion and connection to his students after he was killed in Israel during the recent Hamas attacks.

Noi Maudi, 29, taught Hebrew and technology at Talmud Torah of St. Paul before returning to Israel, where he was born and raised.

St. Paul City Council Member Rebecca Noecker was president of the school when Maudi worked there. Her children were among his students.

Noecker said she and her family attended a memorial service for the slain teacher via Zoom. His parents also participated from Israel.

“My husband and I were really, really moved by hearing from Noi’s family members. He had a brother-in-law who was also killed, and he has a nephew who is missing and it’s unclear if he’s been taken as a hostage or where he is,” Noecker said. “It’s really a tragedy that’s affected the whole family.”

Noecker said while teaching students, Maudi also was quick to share funny YouTube videos and video game tips. She remembered Maudi helped her son in his quest to defeat the villain in the game Spyro.

“He was able to build these kinds of relationships, obviously outside of the normal academic content that he was teaching,” she said.

Organizers of a GoFundMe online fundraiser for Maudi’s family and community noted that he also had a passion for cooking, and spent time working with a catering company in addition to cooking at home.

“We will never forget those joyful times together. His kindness and genuine care for all will bless us in the countless memories we all have with our dear Noi,” they wrote.