Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Cold front brings wind and flurries north Tuesday

Wednesday will be briefly warmer before colder air arrives

MPX fcst
Forecast for Wednesday through Friday for the Twin Cities area
National Weather Service

Blustery winds are ushering in colder air Tuesday, touching off some sprinkles in southeast Minnesota and snow showers northeast. Wednesday will be warmer before becoming much colder Thursday.

Cooler, windy Tuesday 

Look for a windy Tuesday in the wake of a cold front. Winds will be 10-20 mph with gusts as high as 20-30 mph from the northwest.

tue gusts
Forecast wind gusts Tuesday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

There will be some sprinkles in southeastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin along with snow showers in northeastern Minnesota, but none of it will amount it to much. Clouds will hang on for most of eastern Minnesota while western Minnesota should see some sun later. 

tue precip 7
Forecast precipitation 6 a.m. through 6 p.m. Tuesday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

High temperatures will be closer to normal, in the low 40s southeast to low 30s northwest.

tue hi 7
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

Overnight lows will bring temperatures into the 20s statewide, making for a chilly start to early Wednesday.

tue night
Forecast lows Tuesday night
National Weather Service

Milder Wednesday, then much colder for Thanksgiving

While Wednesday will start chilly, southwest winds will blow in milder air briefly for southern Minnesota. Northwestern Minnesota will already see colder air from the next blast of chilly air. We should also see more sunshine for most. 

wed hi 7
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

The cold front will push through southern Minnesota Wednesday evening, dropping temperatures across the state for Thursday into the weekend. Low temperatures early Thanksgiving morning will be cold in the teens north and 20s south.

thu lo
Forecast lows Wednesday night
National Weather Service

Thanksgiving will be chilly but with partly cloudy skies and dry conditions for travel. Highs will range from the low 20s north to low 30s south.

thu hi 7
Forecast highs Thursday
National Weather Service

Beyond that, the weekend looks continued chilly. The next chance of precipitation comes Sunday with some rain and snow possible.