Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

High pressure brings sunshine and lighter winds Wednesday

Thursday will be warmer, but it will also become windy again

Surface weather forecast for Wednesday: high pressure centered over Great Lakes
National Weather Service

Updated 9 a.m.

Skies will be sunny and winds will be calmer Wednesday. Thursday will be warmer and windy ahead of a storm system that will bring significant rainfall Friday into the weekend.

High pressure Wednesday brings light winds, sun

Don’t blink — we’ll have light winds for one day Wednesday. High pressure centered over Lake Superior will keep skies sunny across Minnesota and also make for lighter wind speeds, generally under 10 mph.

wind WED
Forecast winds 6 a.m. through 6 p.m. Wednesday
College of DuPage weather lab

We’ll still be on the cooler side but near normal for highs. Eastern Minnesota will be mostly in the 50s with colder readings near Lake Superior. Western Minnesota will see highs in the 60s.

wed hi 8a
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

Wednesday night won’t be as cold but it will be subfreezing again in northeastern Minnesota.

wed nt 8a
Forecast lows Wednesday night
National Weather Service

Thursday will be warmer with many parts of southern and western Minnesota back to near 70 degrees. 

thu hi 8a
Forecast highs Thursday
National Weather Service

The winds increase again Thursday and Friday ahead of the next storm system that looks to bring significant rainfall to the region. Wind gusts could be over 40 mph again especially Friday.

thu-fri winds
Forecast wind gusts 6 a.m. Thursday through 1 p.m. Friday
College of DuPage weather lab

We’re in for two waves of rain and thunderstorms. The first starts Friday with a break for much of Saturday. The second system then moves in Sunday into early Monday.

thu-mon precip 8a
Forecast precipitation 7 p.m. Thursday through 1 p.m. Monday
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, via Pivotal Weather

Total rainfall could easily exceed 2 inches with the two waves. Northern Minnesota too, could finally see some decent rains.

QPF 168
Forecast total potential rainfall through Tuesday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

We’ll also need to watch how far north the severe weather threat develops. On Friday it looks to remain mostly in Iowa though a marginal risk (level 1 of 5) is forecast for Friday into Friday night for far southern Minnesota.

day 3 svr
Severe weather outlook for Friday into Friday night
NOAA Storm Prediction Center

Saturday into Saturday night the extended forecast risk clips far southeast Minnesota.

day 4 spc
Severe weather outlook for Saturday into Saturday night
NOAA Storm Prediction Center

Next week looks warm as we start May with highs mostly in the 70s south to 60s north.