Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Multiple climate stations report wettest June in history for their region

A flooded street with yellow caution signs-1
A flooded street in Windom, not far from the Des Moines river, on Tuesday.
Dan Gunderson | MPR News

June was the ninth wettest in state history with some counties reporting record-setting rainfall, according to climatologist and meteorologist Mark Seeley. Faribault reported an average of 15.7 inches of rainfall for the month which is over the twice the state average this year.

Because rainfall was so frequent, ground soil, especially in northeastern and southern counties, was drenched. That saturated dirt and surplus rain led to wide swaths of flooding across the state.

MPR News host Cathy Wurzer spoke with Seeley about the record-setting rain in their weekly weather chat.

Click play on the player above to listen to the full conversation.