State Fair

Minnesota State Fair announces new rides, accessibility measures and more

A ride spins in the Mighty Midway
A ride spins in the Mighty Midway as the sun begins to set on Aug. 26, 2022 at the Minnesota State Fair in Falcon Heights.
Stephen Maturen for MPR News

With three weeks until the gates open, the State Fair has announced new rides, accessibility measures, food competitions, and other features for this year’s event, which kicks off Aug. 22.

Here’s what’s new.


Several accessibility features will be added to the fair this year. Blind and low-vision visitors will get free access to Aira, a visual-assistance app. The fair is also adding audio descriptions to the crop art exhibit, which visitors can hear by scanning QR codes.

Also new this year is a mobile family care center for families to feed, change, and care for small children. An adult-sized changing table will also be available. And a new quiet space with calming activities called Joy Mobile will offer a resting spot.


The fair is adding two new rides to its midway lineup: The Kraken, described as an 80-foot-tall pendulum ride, and The Defender, a swinging propeller ride. 

A free interactive exhibit called Cats and Dogs will also be open for visitors in the North End Event Center. 

Inside gate nine, an eight-foot-tall Welcome Wall will feature personalized, engravable tiles. Starting the first day of the fair, visitors can order a customized tile for a contribution of $600 to the Minnesota State Fair Foundation. Tiles will be added to the wall in time for the 2025 fair.

There will also be new touring promotional exhibits, and several new vendors selling clothes, accessories, souvenirs and crafts.

Competitions and themes

The fair is adding new categories to its food competitions: pickles, kimchi and fresh fermented vinegars will all be on the judging table.

The Quilt On-A-Stick competition entries will feature Minnesota mascots; in the cake decorating competition, artists will follow the theme of Minnesota authors and books; and in the decorated cupcakes category, artists will depict Minnesota birds.

Entries in competitions will be on display around the fair.

Getting in and around the fair 

The fair announced expansions to its parking and transit options this year.

A free shuttle service will bring fairgoers to the gates from 31 nearby lots. That includes expanded availability at the I-35W & Co. Rd. C Park & Ride Ramp.

Metro Transit express buses will also be available from six locations — the fair is adding routes to Maplewood and Maple Grove. Fairgoers can also catch buses in Blaine, Bloomington, Cottage Grove, and Minnetonka.

Bus service through SouthWest Transit is adding a route to Carver. Buses will also run to Chanhassen, Chaska, and Eden Prairie. 

Maps, schedules, a food finder, and more will be available in the new State Fair app. It’s available for download in the App Store and Google Play Store.

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