Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Lingering showers and instability Thursday and Friday

A dry and pleasant weekend still looks likely

sat radar
Satellite and radar imagery from 8 a.m. Thursday morning showing a low center between Fargo and Grand Forks
College of DuPage Weather

Showers will linger much of the morning for northern Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin. Pop-up storms are possible again Thursday afternoon and evening. The weekend looks dry. 

Lingering instability Thursday and Friday then a nice weekend 

Most of the state saw rainfall overnight. There were two main, heavier pockets: one in northwest Minnesota and one in south-central and southeast Minnesota where totals came in at over 1 inch. Lake Park, just north of Pelican Rapids, saw 2.78 inches of rainfall. Pelican Rapids, Crookston, Mankato and Dennison were some locations that saw over 1.5 inches of rain. Most Twin Cities area amounts were between one-half and 1 inch.

Rainfall reports through 7 a.m. Thursday
National Weather Service

We’ll have a cooler day Thursday thanks to more clouds and lingering showers in northern Minnesota. Highs will be mostly in the 70s south and 60s north.

Thu hi 5 for A
Forecast highs Thursday
National Weather Service

More pop-up, instability-driven showers and storms are possible later in the day and evening Thursday. We’ll also see more wrap-around showers Thursday night into Friday, though the showers will become more widely scattered.

thu-fri prec 8a
Forecast simulated radar 9 a.m. Thursday through 11 p.m. Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather

A similar scenario will play out Friday, though showers should become more isolated in nature. All of the unsettled weather will move out for the weekend. We should see a mostly dry weekend with plenty of sun and seasonable temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80s. 

Forecast for the Twin Cities area through Monday
National Weather Service