Crime, Law and Justice

St. Louis County bus driver with 17 kids on board suspected of driving drunk

A bus driver for the St. Louis County School District faces possible charges after allegedly driving drunk Wednesday with more than a dozen students on board.

A call from a member of the public alerted county authorities overnight that a school bus driver may try to drive while intoxicated.

The sheriff's department said the 44-year-old told deputies at around 6 a.m. that he wasn’t working that day and “the district was notified.” An hour later, the district discovered the driver started on a school bus route before deputies detained him in Saginaw.

His preliminary breath test results showed a blood alcohol level of .16. According to state law, it’s illegal for an operator of a school bus to have evidence of alcohol or drugs.

All 17 students on the bus from Southridge School in Alborn were unhurt, according to the sheriff’s office.