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Crisp, cool Sunday; first day of fall

Seasonal temperatures to start the week

fall trees for a walk in the park
fall trees for a walk in the park
Bill Endersen/MPR News

Normal temperatures are expected at the start of the work week, with highs warming back into the upper 70s by Wednesday. There’s little to no precipitation in the forecast due to high pressure overhead.

First day of fall

Welcome to the first day of fall! The autumnal equinox occurred at 7:43 a.m. Sunday morning. Sunrise for September 22nd was 7:01 a.m. and sunset at 7:09 p.m.

Autumnal equinox
Autumnal equinox
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Temperatures are in line with the season, with highs reaching the mid to upper 60s, and around 70 for the metro area.

Highs for Sunday.
Highs for Sunday.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Extended quiet, dry forecast

High pressure will take hold this week and provide plenty of sunshine and calm winds.

High pressure overhead
High pressure overhead
National Center for Atmospheric Research

Little to no precipitation is expected this week. Future analysis indicates no precipitation chances for the Upper Midwest.

7 day precipitation analysis ending Saturday, September 28th
7 day precipitation analysis ending Saturday, September 28th
NOAA via Pivotal Weather

Temperatures will trend upwards towards the upper 70s by Wednesday. We’ll see another stretch of above-normal temperatures, with highs in the mid to upper 70s through at least the end of the week. Portions of western Minnesota may even see temperatures in the 80s.

Temperatures Wednesday through Friday.
Temperatures Wednesday through Friday.
NOAA via Tropical Tidbits