Before you go, would you consider becoming a sustainer to MPR News?
bodySectionHTML: (`
Your monthly gift supports trusted journalism, music discovery, and community
conversation for all – no matter where you live or how you listen. From the
broadcast to the podcast, on-air and online, gifts from individuals power everything
you find at Minnesota Public Radio.
Would you consider becoming a sustainer by converting your one-time gift to a
monthly gift today?
min: 100, // do not show if original gift is below this amount
max: 500, // do not show if original gift is above this amount
askAmount: (originalAmount) => {
// the input is the original amount
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Whether you're new to economics or just want to deepen your understanding, this course covers the basics and connects them to today’s pressing issues—from inequality to public policy decisions.
Each week, you'll receive a reading guide that distills core principles, offers actionable takeaways, and explains how they affect the current world. While the full ebook enriches the experience, the guides alone provide a comprehensive understanding of fundamental economic ideas.
You'll gain real-world insights into how economics impacts your daily life with this easy-to-follow online course. This crash course is based on the acclaimed textbook Economy, Society, and Public Policy by CORE Econ, tailored to help you grasp key concepts without feeling overwhelmed.
Whether you're new to economics or just want to deepen your understanding, this course covers the basics and connects them to today’s pressing issues—from inequality to public policy decisions.
Each week, you'll receive a reading guide that distills core principles, offers actionable takeaways, and explains how they affect the current world. While the full ebook enriches the experience, the guides alone provide a comprehensive understanding of fundamental economic ideas.
You’ll find this course especially useful and unique because…
It allows you to understand economics in action: Real-life examples and analysis of current events that show you economics at work.
There’s no prior knowledge required: Complex ideas are broken into simple, relatable explanations.
You can be flexible with your learning according to your lifestyle: Go at your own pace, with weekly guides that fit your schedule.
Are you ready to build a foundation in economics that empowers you to think critically about the world around you?
Get instant access today and keep an eye on your inbox for a confirmation email and your first lesson.
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Dear reader,
Political debates with family or friends can get heated. But what if there was a way to handle them better?
You can learn how to have civil political conversations with our new e-book!
Download our free e-book, Talking Sense: Have Hard Political Conversations, Better, and learn how to talk without the tension.
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var el,ctx=vwo_$(x);
/*vwo_debug log("Revert","editElement","#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)"); vwo_debug*/(el=vwo_$("#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)")).vwoRevertHtml();})("#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)")}}, GL_940895_16_post:{ fn:function(VWO_CURRENT_CAMPAIGN, VWO_CURRENT_VARIATION,nonce = ""){}}, C_940895_64_1_2_0:{ fn:function(log,nonce=''){return (function(x) {var el,ctx=vwo_$(x);
/*vwo_debug log("content","#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)"); vwo_debug*/el=vwo_$("#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)"),vwo_$("#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)").each((function(){this.__vwoControlOuterHTML=this.__vwoControlOuterHTML||this.outerHTML,vwo_$(this).vwoAttr("class",""),!vwo_$(this).find('[vwo-op-1742933835357-1=""]').length&&vwo_$(this).append('(Optional)'),vwo_$(this).nonEmptyContents().eq(0).replaceWith2(document.createTextNode("In your own words, why would an Marketplace listener choose to become an donor? "))})),el=vwo_$("#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)");})("#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)")}}, R_940895_64_1_2_0:{ fn:function(log,nonce=''){return (function(x) {
var el,ctx=vwo_$(x);
/*vwo_debug log("Revert","content","#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)"); vwo_debug*/(el=vwo_$("#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)")).revertContentOp(),el=vwo_$("#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)");})("#tfa_134-L > b:nth-of-type(1)")}}, R_940895_61_1_2_2:{ fn:function(log,nonce=''){return (function(x) {
var el,ctx=vwo_$(x);
/*vwo_debug log("Revert","editElement","#tfa_81-L > b:nth-of-type(1)"); vwo_debug*/(el=vwo_$("#tfa_81-L > b:nth-of-type(1)")).vwoRevertHtml();})("#tfa_81-L > b:nth-of-type(1)")}}, R_940895_61_1_2_0:{ fn:function(log,nonce=''){return (function(x) {
var el,ctx=vwo_$(x);
/*vwo_debug log("Revert","editElement","#tfa_75-L > b:nth-of-type(1)"); vwo_debug*/(el=vwo_$("#tfa_75-L > b:nth-of-type(1)")).vwoRevertHtml();})("#tfa_75-L > b:nth-of-type(1)")}}, C_940895_39_1_2_0:{ fn:function(log,nonce=''){return (function(x) {
var _vwo_sel = vwo_$("`);
!vwo_$("head").find('#1740425171461').length && vwo_$('head').append(_vwo_sel);}catch(e) {console.error(e)}
try{}catch(e) {console.error(e)}
try{const getCurrentDate = (d = new Date()) => d.toISOString().split('T')[0];
function vwoCustomEvent (labelValue) {
window.VWO = window.VWO || [];
VWO.event = VWO.event || function () {VWO.push(["event"].concat([]};
VWO.event("customEvent", { "label": labelValue.toString() });
class RadioButtonComponent {
constructor (element) { = element.querySelector('input[type="radio"]');
this.label = element.querySelector('label');
get value () {
let value =;
if (Number.isNaN(parseFloat(value)))
return value;
if (parseFloat(value) % 1 == 0)
return parseInt(value);
return parseFloat(value);
set value (newValue) { = newValue;
get text () {
return this.label.textContent;
set text (newText) {
if (this.label.querySelector('.form-required')) {
const labelTextNode = [...this.label.childNodes].filter(({ nodeType }) => nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)[0];
labelTextNode.nodeValue = newText;
} else {
this.label.textContent = newText;
get checked () {
set checked (bool) {,
bool === true && === true;
click () {;
select () {;
addEventListener (eventType, callbackFunction) {
switch (eventType) {
case 'click':
this.label.addEventListener(eventType, callbackFunction);
case 'change':
default:, callbackFunction);
class TextFieldComponent {
constructor (element) {
this.input = element.querySelector('input[type="text"]');
this.label = element.querySelector('label');
get value () {
return this.input.value;
set value (newValue) {
this.input.dispatchEvent(new Event('focus'));
this.input.value = newValue;
this.input.dispatchEvent(new Event('keyup'));
this.input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
this.input.dispatchEvent(new Event('blur'));
get text () {
return this.input.placeholder;
set text (newText) {
this.input.placeholder = newText;
addEventListener (eventType, callbackFunction) {
this.input.addEventListener(eventType, callbackFunction);
class GiftArrayButton extends RadioButtonComponent {
constructor (element) {
get amount () {
return this.value;
set amount (newAmount) {
if (Number.isNaN(parseInt(newAmount)) || parseInt(newAmount) <= 0)
throw new Error("New amount must be a valid number greater than 0.");
newAmount = parseInt(newAmount);
this.text = '$' + newAmount;
this.value = newAmount;
class GiftArrayOtherAmount extends TextFieldComponent {
constructor (element) {
get amount () {
return parseFloat(this.value);
set amount (newAmount) {
if (Number.isNaN(parseInt(newAmount)) || parseInt(newAmount) <= 0)
throw new Error("New amount must be a valid number greater than 0.");
newAmount = parseFloat(newAmount);
this.value = newAmount;
this.input.dispatchEvent(new Event('updateSummary'));
class GiftArray extends Array {
constructor (items) {
if (!Array.isArray(items) && items.length === 0) {
throw new Error("GiftArray: Arugment 1 is not an instance of Array with a length greater than 0:" + items.join(', '));
if (items.every((item) => item instanceof GiftArrayButton || item instanceof GiftArrayOtherAmount)) {
if (items.find((item) => item instanceof GiftArrayOtherAmount)) {
let temp = items.find((item) => item instanceof GiftArrayOtherAmount);
items = items.filter((item) => item instanceof GiftArrayButton);
} else if (items.every((item) => item instanceof HTMLElement)) {
items = => item.matches(".webform-component-textfield") ? new GiftArrayOtherAmount(item) : new GiftArrayButton(item));
} else {
throw new Error("GiftArray: Arugment 1 is not of type HTMLElement, HTMLElement[], or GiftArrayButton|GiftArrayButton[]:" + items.join(', '));
this.Buttons = items.filter((item) => item instanceof GiftArrayButton);
this.OtherAmountInput = items.find((item) => item instanceof GiftArrayOtherAmount);
get amount () {
const activeButton = this.Buttons.find((item) => item.checked);
if (activeButton.value === "other") {
const otherButton = activeButton;
if (!otherButton) {
throw new Error("GiftArray.amount: Other Button was not defined.");
return this.OtherAmountInput.value;
} else {
return activeButton.value;
set amount (newAmount) {
if (Number.isNaN(parseInt(newAmount)) || parseInt(newAmount) <= 0)
throw new Error("New amount must be a valid number greater than 0.");
newAmount = parseFloat(newAmount);
const matchingButton = this.find((item) => item.value === newAmount);
if (matchingButton) {;
} else {
const otherButton = this.Buttons.find((item) => item.value === "other");;
this.OtherAmountInput.amount = newAmount;
addEventListeners (eventType, callbackFunction, filter = undefined) {
if (filter && typeof filter === 'function') {
const filteredItems = this.filter((item) =>, item));
filteredItems.forEach((item) => item.addEventListener(eventType, callbackFunction));
} else if (filter && typeof filter === 'string') {
if (filter.match(/buttons/gmi))
this.Buttons.forEach((item) => item.addEventListener(eventType, callbackFunction));
if (filter.match(/other/gmi))
this.OtherAmountInput.addEventListener(eventType, callbackFunction);
} else {
this.forEach((item) => item.addEventListener(eventType, callbackFunction));
class FrequencyButton extends RadioButtonComponent {
constructor (element) {
get frequency () {
return this.text.match(/Monthly/gmi) ? "Monthly" : "One-Time";
set freqency (newAmount) {
if (Number.isNaN(parseInt(newAmount)) || parseInt(newAmount) <= 0)
throw new Error("New amount must be a valid number greater than 0.");
newAmount = parseInt(newAmount);
this.text = '$' + newAmount;
this.value = newAmount;
class FrequencyArray extends Array {
constructor (items) {
if (!Array.isArray(items) && items.length === 0) {
throw new Error("FrequencyArray: Arugment 1 is not an instance of Array with a length greater than 0:" + items.join(', '));
/*if (items.every((item) => item instanceof GiftArrayButton || item instanceof GiftArrayOtherAmount)) {
if (items.find((item) => item instanceof GiftArrayOtherAmount)) {
let temp = items.find((item) => item instanceof GiftArrayOtherAmount);
items = items.filter((item) => item instanceof GiftArrayButton);
} else*/ if (items.every((item) => item instanceof HTMLElement)) {
items = => item.matches(".webform-component-textfield") ? new GiftArrayOtherAmount(item) : new GiftArrayButton(item));
} else {
throw new Error("FrequencyArray: Arugment 1 is not of type HTMLElement or HTMLElement[]:" + items.join(', '));
this.Buttons = items.filter((item) => item instanceof GiftArrayButton);
get frequency () {
const activeButton = this.Buttons.find((item) => item.checked);
if (activeButton.value === "recurs")
return "monthly";
if (activeButton.value === "NO_RECURR")
return "one-time";
return activeButton.value;
set frequency (newFrequency) {
const reNewFrequencyValue = new RegExp(newFrequency, 'gmi');
const matchingButton = this.find((item) => item.value.match(reNewFrequencyValue) || item.text.match(reNewFrequencyValue));;
get recurring () {
return this.frequency === "monthly" ? true : false;
set recurring (bool) {
this.frequency = bool === true ? "monthly" : "one-time";
addEventListeners (eventType, callbackFunction, filter = undefined) {
if (filter && typeof filter === 'function') {
const filteredItems = this.filter((item) =>, item));
filteredItems.forEach((item) => item.addEventListener(eventType, callbackFunction));
} else if (filter && typeof filter === 'string') {
if (filter.match(/buttons/gmi))
this.Buttons.forEach((item) => item.addEventListener(eventType, callbackFunction));
if (filter.match(/other/gmi))
this.OtherAmountInput.addEventListener(eventType, callbackFunction);
} else {
this.forEach((item) => item.addEventListener(eventType, callbackFunction));
const lockedProperty = { writable: false, configurable: false, enumerable: true };
function DonationFormAPI (elements, options = {}) {
const defaultOptions = {
min: 1.00,
max: 999999.99,
makeTabbed: false,
fakeSubmit: true,
overrideGiftArrayValues: false,
options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options };
const { frequencyRadios, submitButton, root } = elements;
const [ amountRadiosOnetime, amountRadiosMonthly ] = elements.amountRadios;
const oneTimeOtherAmountWrapper = amountRadiosOnetime.find((div) => !div.matches('.webform-component-textfield') || div.querySelector('input[type="text"]'));
const oneTimeRadioButtons = amountRadiosOnetime.filter((div) => div !== oneTimeOtherAmountWrapper);
const monthlyOtherAmountWrapper = amountRadiosMonthly.find((div) => !div.matches('.webform-component-textfield') || div.querySelector('input[type="text"]'));
const monthlyRadioButtons = amountRadiosMonthly.filter((div) => div !== monthlyOtherAmountWrapper);
const debug = {
log: (...args) => window.NA.DonationForm.DEBUG_MODE && console.log(...args),
info: (...args) => window.NA.DonationForm.DEBUG_MODE && console.log(...args),
warn: (...args) => window.NA.DonationForm.DEBUG_MODE && console.log(...args),
error: (...args) => window.NA.DonationForm.DEBUG_MODE && console.log(...args),
const api = new Object();
Object.defineProperty(api, 'root', {
value: root,
writable: false,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
Object.defineProperties(api, {
value: options.min || 0,
value: options.max || Infinity,
Object.defineProperties(api, {
GiftArrays: {
value: {
"one-time": new GiftArray([ ...oneTimeRadioButtons, oneTimeOtherAmountWrapper ]),
"monthly": new GiftArray([ ...monthlyRadioButtons, monthlyOtherAmountWrapper ]),
writable: false,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
Frequencies: {
value: new FrequencyArray(frequencyRadios),
writable: false,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
SubmitButton: {
value: submitButton,
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
Object.defineProperties(api, {
'getFrequency': {
value: async function () {
if (!this || this === null) throw new Error("validate: Unable to read API context.");
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
} catch (error) {
}, ...lockedProperty
'setFrequency': {
value: async function (frequency) {
if (!this || this === null) throw new Error("validate: Unable to read API context.");
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.Frequencies.frequency = frequency;
if (await this.getFrequency() === frequency)
} catch (error) {
}, ...lockedProperty
'getAmount': {
value: async function (frequency = undefined) {
if (!this || this === null) throw new Error("validate: Unable to read API context.");
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
frequency = frequency || await this.getFrequency();
if (frequency && this.GiftArrays.hasOwnProperty(frequency)) {
const activeGiftArray = this.GiftArrays[frequency];
} else {
throw new Error("getAmount: Invalid frequency: " + frequency);
} catch (error) {
}, ...lockedProperty
'setAmount': {
value: async function (amount, frequency = undefined) {
if (!this || this === null) throw new Error("validate: Unable to read API context.");
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
const currentFrequency = await this.getFrequency();
if (!frequency) {
frequency = currentFrequency;
} else if (frequency !== currentFrequency) {
frequency = await this.setFrequency(frequency);
if (frequency && this.GiftArrays.hasOwnProperty(frequency)) {
const activeGiftArray = this.GiftArrays[frequency];
activeGiftArray.amount = amount;
} else {
throw new Error("setAmount: Invalid frequency: " + frequency);
if (await this.getAmount() === amount)
} catch (error) {
}, ...lockedProperty
'getRecurring': {
value: async function () {
if (!this || this === null) throw new Error("validate: Unable to read API context.");
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
} catch (error) {
}, ...lockedProperty
'setRecurring': {
value: async function (bool) {
if (!this || this === null) throw new Error("validate: Unable to read API context.");
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.Frequencies.frequency = bool ? true : false;
if (await this.getRecurring() === bool)
} catch (error) {
}, ...lockedProperty
freqency: {
get () { return this.getFrequency() },
set (value) { this.setFrequency(value) },
enumerable: true, configurable: true,
amount: {
get () { return this.getAmount() },
set (value) { this.setAmount(value) },
enumerable: true, configurable: true,
recurring: {
get () { return this.getRecurring() },
set (value) { this.setRecurring(value) },
enumerable: true, configurable: true,
Object.defineProperties(api, {
'submit': {
value: async function (condition = this.validate||function(){return true}) {
//this.hooks['onBeforeSubmit'].forEach((callback) =>;
let result;
const isAsyncFunction = (func) => === "AsyncFunction";
if (Array.isArray(condition)) {
if (condition.every((c) => typeof c === 'function' && isAsyncFunction(c))) {
result = await Promise.all( (c) => await;
} else if (condition.every((c) => typeof c === 'function')) {
result = condition.every((c) =>;
} else if (condition.every((c) => c === true || c === false)) {
result = condition.every((c) => c);
} else if (typeof condition === 'function' && isAsyncFunction(condition)) {
result = await;
} else if (typeof condition === 'function') {
result =;
} else if (condition === true || condition === false) {
result = condition;
} else {
console.error("Unknown error.");
if (result === true) {
if (window.NA.DonationForm.hasOwnProperty("DEBUG_MODE") && window.NA.DonationForm["DEBUG_MODE"] == true)
return console.log("Submit aborted (debug mode is enabled).");,
this.hooks['onSubmit'].forEach((callback) =>;
//this.hooks['onAfterSubmit'].forEach((callback) =>;
} else {
return console.log("Submit failed (conditions did not evaluate to true).");
}, ...lockedProperty
'interceptSubmit': {
value: function (handleInterceptedSubmit = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => resolve(undefined)) }) {
try {
window.NA.DonationForm.SubmitButtonCopy = window.NA.DonationForm.SubmitButtonCopy || createNewSubmitButton(window.NA.DonationForm.SubmitButton, { cloneOriginal: false, hideOriginal: true, observeOriginal: false });
window.NA.DonationForm.SubmitButtonCopy.addEventListener('click', async (event) => {
event.preventDefault(), event.stopPropagation();
const shouldFormSubmit = await, event);
if (shouldFormSubmit) {"Submit allowed by initial interceptSubmit callback function resulting in a truthy evaluation.");
const formIsValid = await window.NA.DonationForm.validate();
if (!formIsValid) { // if submit allowed but there are known errors in the form
console.warn("Form has known errors. Attempting to submit to show errors then retrying.");
window.NA.DonationForm.submit(true); // submit anyway to trigger the error to be shown"display", "none"),"SubmitButton hidden."), // hide the original submit button again"display", "none"),"SubmitButtonCopy hidden."); // hide the copy of the submit button again"display"),"SubmitButtonCopy unhidden."); // show the copy of the submit button
} else {
} else {
console.log("Submit prevented.");"Next submit will be allowed.");"display"),"SubmitButton unhidden."); // show the original submit button so that if something goes wrong the user can still click the submit button"display", "none"),"SubmitButtonCopy hidden."); // hide the copy of the submit button that intercepts submit attempts so that there aren't two buttons
console.log("Submit intercept added.\nButton:", window.NA.DonationForm.SubmitButtonCopy);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to add submit intercept:", error);
}, ...lockedProperty
'validate': {
value: async function (root = undefined) {
if (!this || this === null)
throw new Error("validate: Unable to read API context.");
root = root || this.root;
const flattenArray = (array) => array.reduce((flat, toFlatten) => flat.concat(Array.isArray(toFlatten) ? flattenArray(toFlatten) : toFlatten), []);
try {
const freqency = await this.getFrequency(),
amount = await this.getAmount();
if (!freqency || !amount)
return false;
if (amount < this.FORM_MINIMUM || amount > this.FORM_MAXIMUM)
return console.error("validate:", "Gift amount is invalid:", amount), false;
let requiredFields = Array.from(root.querySelectorAll('label:has(.form-required)'))
.map((label) => document.getElementById(label.htmlFor) || (label.nextElementSibling || label.previousElementSibling))
.filter((_) => !!_) // remove blanks
.filter((field) => {
if ( &&'[payment_information]'))
return false;
return true;
.map((field) => {
if (field.matches("div"))
return [...field.querySelectorAll('input')];
return field;
requiredFields = flattenArray(requiredFields);
const valid = requiredFields.every((input) => {
const type = input.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'select' ? 'select' : input.type;
const { name, value, id } = input;
//console.log(type, name, value);
if (name === 'submitted[payment_information][payment_fields][credit][card_number]') {
if (value && value.length === 16)
return true;
return console.error("validate:", name+':', "CC is invalid."), false;
if (name === 'submitted[leadership_circle]')
return true;
if (name === 'submitted[donation][other_amount]' || name === 'submitted[donation][recurring_other_amount]')
if (amount)
return true;
switch (type) {
case 'email':
const emailRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/;
if (!emailRegex.test(value))
return console.error("validate:", name+':', "Email address is invalid.\n", input, value), false;
return true;
case 'tel':
if (!value || value.length < 10)
return console.error("validate:", name+':', "Phone number is invalid.\n", input, value), false;
return true;
case 'select':
case 'radio':
case 'text':
if (!value || value.length === 0)
return console.error("validate:", name+':', "Field is invalid.\n", input, value), false;
return true;
return true;
/*if (!value || value.length === 0)
return false;*/
return valid;
} catch (error) {
return false;
}, ...lockedProperty
//'makeTabbed': { value: function(){} },
'DonationInterrupter': {
value: { init: initDonationInterrupter.bind(api) },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
initHooks(api, ['onFrequencyChange', 'onAmountChange', 'onTrySubmit', 'onSubmit']);
api.Frequencies.addEventListeners('change', (event) => {
if ( {
api.hooks['onFrequencyChange'].forEach((callback) => {,;
Object.entries(api.GiftArrays).forEach(([ key, GiftArray ]) => {
GiftArray.addEventListeners('change', (event) => {
if ( {
api.hooks['onAmountChange'].forEach((callback) => {,;
api.SubmitButton.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
api.hooks['onTrySubmit'].forEach((callback) =>, event));
api.root.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
api.hooks['onSubmit'].forEach((callback) =>, event));
if (options.makeTabbed)
/*if (options.fakeSubmit)
window.NA.DonationForm.SubmitButtonCopy = window.NA.DonationForm.SubmitButtonCopy || createNewSubmitButton(window.NA.DonationForm.SubmitButton, { cloneOriginal: false, hideOriginal: true, observeOriginal: false });*/
return api;
function createNewSubmitButton (originalSubmitButton = window.NA.DonationForm.SubmitButton, options = {}) {
const defaultOptions = {
cloneOriginal: true,
hideOriginal: true,
observeOriginal: true,
options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options };
const newSubmitButton = document.createElement('button');
// = "submit-button-copy";
newSubmitButton.textContent = originalSubmitButton.value;
options.hideOriginal &&"display", "none");
return newSubmitButton;
function initHooks (api, hookNames = []) {
const hooks = Object.fromEntries( => ([hookName, new Array()])));
Object.defineProperty(api, 'hooks', {
value: hooks,
function initDonationInterrupter (options = {}) {
const getExpId = () => {
let experiments = window._vwo_exp;
experiments = Object.entries(window._vwo_exp);
let id = experiments.find(([id, data]) => {
const name =;
return name.match(/Donation Interrupter/);
return id;
const getExpVariation = (id) => {
let experiment = window._vwo_exp[id];
return experiment.combination_chosen || experiment.combination_selected;
const defaultOptions = {
id: [ 'VWO', getExpId(), getExpVariation(getExpId()) ].join('-'),
tokenName: ("NA__MPR_DonationInterrupter:" + [ 'VWO', getExpId(), getExpVariation(getExpId()) ].join('-')),
min: 10,
max: 100,
askAmount: (originalAmount) => {
if (originalAmount > 500) // $500+
return false; // don't show
if (originalAmount >= 400) // $400-$500
return 50;
if (originalAmount >= 300) // $300-$399
return 40;
if (originalAmount >= 200) // $200-$299
return 30;
if (originalAmount >= 100) // $100-$199
return 15;
if (originalAmount < 100) // $100-
return 10;
return false;
askFrequency: (originalFrequency) => {
return "monthly";
popupHTML: {
headingHTML: (`
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
bodyHTML: (`
Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec egestas turpis, hendrerit semper nisl. Pellentesque auctor ipsum at
pharetra eleifend. Pellentesque a rhoncus turpis, ut tempus nibh. Donec vel dui hendrerit nisi imperdiet
tincidunt. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Duis efficitur dolor ut nisl blandit imperdiet. Nullam pretium est nunc, tincidunt viverra ligula dapibus.
Duis malesuada:
dui eu venenatis volutpat
urna libero posuere lectus
non tincidunt mauris ligula consectetur felis
lacinia hendrerit enim at molestie
Sed placerat fringilla consequat. Nullam eu pellentesque sem?
By submitting, you consent that you are at least 18 years of age and to receive information about MPR's or APMG entities' programs and offerings. The personally identifying information you provide will not be sold, shared, or used for purposes other than to communicate with you about MPR, APMG entities, and its sponsors. You may opt-out at any time clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email communication. View our Privacy Policy.
The FBI says it's aware of the offensive and racist text messages being received by Black college and high school students, and is in contact with the Justice Department and other federal authorities on the matter.
Alex Brandon/AP
Federal authorities on Friday provided an update on the series of racist text messages that were sent to Black college and high school students in the days after the election, which included messages about being "selected to pick cotton at the nearest plantation."
The FBI said in a statement that members of the Hispanic and LGBTQ communities also reported receiving offensive text messages. "Some recipients reported being told they were selected for deportation or to report to a re-education camp," the FBI added. The messages were also reported being sent via email.
The FBI did not provide further details on the possible origins of the series of the hateful messages.
The agency said it was "evaluating all reported incidents and engaging with the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. We are also sharing information with our law enforcement partners and community, academia, and faith leaders."
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St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones, whose 17-year-old son was one of the recipients of a racist texts, said, "It's sick and it's wrong."
Jones added, "This awful message that children around the country have been receiving about turning them into slaves and picking them up in an unmarked brown van."
He says it is no joking matter to hearken back to something as horrible as slavery.
"I know they may think it's funny, but I was born in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1947 when Jim Crow was legal, so it's not funny to me." he says.
Virvus Jones takes note of the timing of the texts, coming immediately after a contentious, and dark, election.
He added, "What it says about this country is that there are a lot of people who would like to take us back to some form of slavery or some form of being subservient to white supremacy."
The Jones family is reporting the message, which appeared to come from a local phone number, to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.
"These are some twisted individuals to target children like this, and I hope that they're they are found and prosecuted," says Mayor Tishaura Jones.
Civil rights groups across the country are encouraging people to report the texts to police and the FBI.
"This is alarming, both because there's no indication who the text is from, but because all the people who received it were young African Americans," says Margaret Huang, president and CEO of the Southern Poverty Law Center and the SPLC Action Fund.
The organization, which monitors hate groups, is trying to track down the origins of the text.
"We have traced the texts being sent from emails that appear to have some international connection," Huang says.
She says they've determined that the list of phone numbers may have been purchased from a company. "And we are trying to determine whether the company is indeed the source of this information and to whom they sold the information to actually make those texts possible."
Huang says the SPLC is sharing its findings with federal officials. The FBI says it's aware of the offensive and racist text messages and is in contact with the Justice Department and other federal authorities on the matter.
The Federal Communications Commission announced it was opening an investigation into the messages.
Several state attorneys general and campus police departments say they have opened investigations into the source of the disturbing robotexts.
Digital footprints
A Grand Rapids, Michigan tech firm says an attempt was made to use its bulk texting software to send racist messages. TextSpot CEO Lance Beaudry says an internal AI review flagged the language as problematic and possibly indicating human trafficking or forced labor. Upon getting that alert, the company blocked the messages from going out.
Beaudry says a user named Amy Jones signed up for a TextSpot account at 3:52 p.m. on Nov. 6 and tried to send a test message. It read: "You have been selected to pick cotton at the nearest plantation. Be ready at 12AM November 12 SHARP. Be prepared to be searched down once you enter the plantation. You are in Plantaion group A."
Beaudry says the company has reported the incident to local authorities and submitted the information to the FBI, including the IP address in the Philadelphia area where the message originated.
He says the company's flagging system typically would pick up phishing or fraud messages, but that it's rare to intercept racist material or hate speech.
Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill said her office had traced the origin of some of the messages to a virtual private network provider in Poland but had not found the original source.
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