Arts and Culture

Minneapolis muralist Flahn Manly and his art of resistance, love and peace 

man with art
Minneapolis-based artist and muralist Flahn Manly has a new exhibit opening on Saturday "Joy is My Weapon." The exhibit will be on display at NE Sculpture Gallery Factory in Minneapolis.
Courtesy of Lisa Roy

Minneapolis-based artist and muralist Flahn Manly has an exhibit opening Saturday about the power of joy, love and peace to fight hate and fear. 

Titled “Joy is My Weapon,” the exhibit will be on display at NE Sculpture Gallery Factory in Minneapolis.

Manly says this show reflects his personality and energy.

“How can I make an entire environment focus on joy and love, right? And it just happened to be the perfect divine time,” he said. “I should do it. Where the world is always falling apart, and I’m like, No, we’re not gonna do that. We’re not gonna let that consume us.”

The pieces feature a consistent color choice: a fiery orange that sits underneath a delicate pink hue. He says it is about seeing peace and love as power instead of weakness.

man with art
Minneapolis-based artist and muralist Flahn Manly has a new exhibit opening on Saturday titled "Joy is My Weapon."
Courtesy of Lisa Roy

He used acrylic paint for this show, which dries quicker than his usual oil paint and is a different process from using charcoal. The acrylic required Manly to “think on his feet,” he says. It allowed him to be more provocative with his artistry — including bold brush strokes capturing realistic depictions of memories and goals.

One of his favorite paintings shows a woman and children dancing around a tree. It is inspired by a memory of a friend’s family being deported to Sierra Leone during Manly’s late teens. His friend’s mother eventually created a school for the children which provided community, free meals and education.

“I love that she didn’t allow her circumstances to actually ruin the vision that God had placed in her heart,” Manly says. 

His work focuses on freedom, hope and social transformation. Manly finds inspiration in everyday life, memories and his faith, which he says is in “perfect marriage” with his art. He also develops work that is in response to the portrayal of communities of color. 

Manly is from Liberia and was raised in Brooklyn Park. He is the NE Sculpture’s artist-in-residence and fellow until mid-February. 

man with art
Minneapolis-based artist and muralist Flahn Manly has a new exhibit opening on Saturday titled "Joy is My Weapon."
Courtesy of Lisa Roy

Manly also runs a nonprofit called Renaissance Fire For The Arts where he creates art with students. A mural inspired by hope was installed at Zanewood Recreation Center in Brooklyn Park, made with kids ages 4 to 17. 

Manly is creating another mural through the center’s Paint For Peace series. 

He was interested in developing a program where he could give back, especially to future generations.

“I learned through art, I express myself through art,” he said. “I was going to be understood through art and seen.”

“Joy is My Weapon” has an opening celebration 5 p.m. on Feb. 1 and can be viewed Feb. 5-8. There is a suggested donation of $30 with proceeds going towards his work, acquiring a space and providing art classes to youth.

This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.