
U.S. declares emergency, new entry restrictions due to virus
The U.S. has declared a public health emergency because of a new virus from China. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar also announced that President Trump will temporarily bar entry to the U.S. of foreign nationals believed to be a risk of transmitting the virus.
U.S. expands traveler screenings to 15 more entry points, including MSP
So far there are five confirmed cases of the virus in the U.S. and no sign they have spread the illness to those around them. But as a precaution, the U.S. is beefing up its checks on returning international travelers beyond the five airports initially announced, to encompass 20 entry points, including the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
U.S. seeks to tighten rules covering service animals on planes
The days of passengers bringing rabbits, turtles and birds on planes as emotional-support animals could be ending. The Transportation Department on Wednesday announced plans to change the rules regarding service animals.
A mayor in Norway's Arctic looks to China to reinvent his frontier town
Melting ice means more ships are traversing polar shipping lanes, so Rune Rafaelsen wants Chinese investors to help turn the small town of Kirkenes into a major logistics hub. But doubters abound.