MinnEcon Blog

The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis says the next head of the Federal Reserve should be someone committed to the the Fed’s current economic stimulus programs. Narayana Kocherlakota made his remarks Friday at a Twin Cities gathering of bankers. The head of the Central Bank, Ben Bernanke, concludes his term at the…
That nation’s employers likely have plans to hire more people soon. Ads on online sites that post job vacancies spiked last month, according to the Conference Board, a research group. It notes that companies listed about 210,000 more jobs online in September than in August, the biggest gain in about nine months. Minnesota employers reflected…
Minnesota manufacturers are expecting growth but were somewhat less optimistic in August than they were in July. Creighton University’s Minnesota Business Conditions Index dropped two points to 57 last month. A reading above 50 suggests economic expansion. The overall survey of supply managers in the nine-state mid-America region shows 40 percent of businesses polled expect…
Total personal income in Minnesota barely budged between the first and second quarters of the year. The key barometer of the state’s prosperity climbed just a tenth of a percent over that period, according to data released Monday by the U.S. Commerce Department. Personal income, which the department defines as the income received by all…
The government on Monday will release quarterly state-level personal income data that will illuminate the spending power and prosperity of Minnesotans. Personal income numbers for Minnesota dropped slightly in the first quarter of the year. But the decline was largely attributed to changes in federal tax laws. Toby Madden, an economist at the Federal Reserve…