Education News

MPR News keeps track of the latest education news in Minnesota so you can understand the events shaping the future of learning and how it impacts students at any level.

Stay informed about local education events, policies and more happening in schools and colleges across Minnesota.

Bill would boost phys ed standards for students
The Senate Education Committee is holding a hearing Thursday morning on a bill that would require schools to test for student fitness every year.
MnSCU audit lays out Metro State payroll SNAFU
You may remember Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system Chancellor Steven Rosenstone calling for an audit two years ago of Metropolitan State University’s payroll operations, whose SNAFUs had been overpaying some faculty while underpaying others. All in all, the university made more than $300,000 in overpayments, and almost $136,000 in underpayments, according to a…
Kline on the future of No Child Left Behind law
U.S. Senate Republicans hope control of Congress could help change the No Child Left Behind law and give more power to state and local governments to improve education.