
Researchers search for clues to toxic algae blooms
It's the dog days of summer in Minnesota, which means warm lakes and an uptick in reports of toxic blooms of algae across the state. Scientists are working to identify what triggers the algae.
Greenland is still burning, but the smoke may be the real problem
Wildfires are still burning in western Greenland, close to the Arctic island's ice sheet. As the fires burn, they release black particles that can coat the ice and snow, and make it melt more quickly.
Al Gore speaks about new movie, 'An Inconvenient Sequel'
Former Vice President Al Gore speaks about his new movie, "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power." Gore believes the stakes are high, but human ingenuity and passion can successfully combat climate change.
Scientists say massive iceberg has broken off in Antarctica
A vast iceberg with twice the volume of Lake Erie has broken off from a key floating ice shelf in Antarctica, scientists said. Researchers are watching closely to see whether climate change is affecting the phenomenon.
While corals die along the Great Barrier Reef, humans struggle to adjust
It's the world's biggest coral reef system, home to some 400 types of coral. In the past 18 months, rising ocean temperatures helped cause the single greatest loss of coral ever recorded there.