
Climate One series: The Trump administration and climate change
From the Commonwealth Club of California's Climate One series: "Political and Climate Disruption." How do businesses, Democrats, Republicans and environmentalists view the climate change debate with Republican control in Washington and a new political reality?
Standing Rock chair: Pipeline off treaty lands is OK, but climate change is the bigger issue
"If for the first time this nation can listen and hear us, they'll understand that this is about climate change," Standing Rock Tribal Chairman Dave Archambault said of the Dakota Access oil pipeline protest.
Outgoing EPA chief Gina McCarthy speaks on Obama Administration's legacy
EPA administrator Gina McCarthy answered questions about the environmental and public health legacy of the Obama Administration, with an emphasis on efforts to combat the global effects of climate change.
Bill McKibben and Terry Tamminen on climate change politics and policy
Bill McKibben of and Terry Tamminen of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation talk about the politics and policy of climate change. They say solutions will require individual and collective action....and say the environmental movement can't be made up of "just arrogant white people."
The fight for clean power
Former White House counselor Jody Freeman talked about the Clean Power Plan and the future climate regulations.