
How to take action on youth mental health
We listen back to a conversation MPR News host Angela Davis had with two Minnesota professionals about how to recognize signs of mental health challenges — and what to do and say to help that young person in your life.
Rebates, cannabis and abortion safeguards: What lawmakers got done in the 2023 legislative session
Holding the three levers of power at the Capitol under control, the Democrats called it a “transformational” legislative session. Here’s what they did.
People with disabilities aren't often seen in stock photos. The CPSC is changing that
The Consumer Product Safety Commission took photos of people with disabilities using home safety devices like flashlights and smoke alarms — then put them in the public domain for anyone to use.
From birth to death, legacy of racism lays foundation for Black Americans' health disparities
From birth to death, Black Americans fare worse in measures of health compared to their white counterparts. They have higher rates of infant and maternal mortality, higher incidence of asthma during childhood, more difficulty treating mental health as teens, and greater rates of high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s disease and other illnesses. 
A lifetime of racism makes Alzheimer’s more prevalent in Black Americans
Black Americans are more likely than white Americans to develop Alzheimer’s disease. They are less likely to be diagnosed and get treatment. The reasons are many and systemic and can be traced to American health inequities that follow Black people from birth to death.
Rep. Dean Phillips: Sen. Feinstein 'clearly losing mental acuity,' should resign
When Sen. Feinstein returned to the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing room earlier this month, the 89-year-old got a standing ovation. But Rep. Dean Phillips shared concerns about the Democrat’s physical and mental fitness.
High blood pressure plagues many Black Americans. Combined with COVID, it's catastrophic
In a nation plagued by high blood pressure, Black people are more likely to suffer from it. And so, in the time of COVID-19, they are more likely than white people to die. It’s a stark reality. And it has played out in thousands of Black households that have lost mothers and fathers over the past three years, a distinct calamity within the many tragedies of the pandemic.
Black kids face racism before they even start school. It's driving a major mental health crisis.
The drivers of the youth mental health crisis for Black children begin early and persist through a lifetime. Black children’s first encounters with racism can start before they are even in school, and Black teenagers report experiencing an average of five instances of racial discrimination per day.