
This family moved to Minnesota to access gender-affirming care. More might soon
Wes Samuelson and his 11-year-old child Liz moved to Duluth from Wyoming in 2020 after they could not get access to gender-affirming care. “The reality is trans health care saves lives,” Samuelson said.
Biden promised a watchdog for opioid settlement billions, but feds are quiet so far
Billions of dollars are headed to state and local governments to address the opioid crisis. If the federal government fails to oversee how the money is spent, advocates worry it will be wasted.
Americans die younger than others in wealthy nations. What can we do about it?
A recent report by the CDC found that American life expectancy is the lowest it’s been in two decades. Coming up at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, MPR News host Angela Davis talks with three experts about the decline in life expectancy and what solutions we have to help us live longer, healthier lives.
Here are some signs that you're holding stress in your body without even knowing it
People are well aware of stress, but we aren’t always aware of stress that we’re holding in our bodies. Here are some signs that could clue you in.
What are Stellate Ganglion Blocks? A look inside the treatment that has helped long COVID-19 patients
A growing number of providers around the country are using injections from the world of pain treatment to help long COVID patients regain taste and smell.
Supreme Court looks at whether Medicare and Medicaid were overbilled under fraud law
Arguments on Tuesday center on a powerful tool for fighting fraud in government contracts and programs. The case examines whether major pharmacies knowingly overcharged Medicare and Medicaid.