
Summer boosters for people under 50 shelved in favor of updated boosters in the fall
The Biden administration is scrapping plans to offer COVID boosters for people under 50 this summer. Instead officials will push for an earlier release of the next generation boosters in the fall.
More people are opting to get sterilized — and some are being turned away
Doctors says more of their patients are seeking permanent sterilization procedures, but some patients are reporting that doctors are unwilling to operate on people of childbearing age.
San Francisco declares an emergency to help the city deal with monkeypox spread
The mayor's announcement allows officials to mobilize personnel and resources and cut through red tape to get ahead of a public health crisis reminiscent of the AIDS epidemic that devastated the city.
Officials boost access to a drug that can protect the immunocompromised from COVID-19
Evusheld, a course of injected antibodies, helps protect people with weak immune systems for up to six months. The government is making it available through pharmacies and individual providers.
Private COVID lab created headaches for Minnesota consumers, health officials
Omaha-based GS Labs struggled to deliver on COVID-19 testing and has been accused of overbilling and pushing patients to get unnecessary tests, a nearly yearlong investigation by journalists from APM Reports found. State and federal investigators are now examining its testing practices.
Nursing homes are suing friends and family to collect on patients' bills
Debt lawsuits — a byproduct of America's medical debt crisis — can ensnare not only patients but also those who help sick and older people be admitted to nursing homes, a KHN-NPR investigation finds.
Finding focus in a scattered time
Are you easily distracted? Having a hard time concentrating on work or other tasks? MPR News host Angela Davis talks with two psychology researchers about the science of distraction, why the COVID-19 pandemic and other stressors steal our attention and how we can reclaim our focus. 
Health insurance prices for care are now out there, but finding them is an ordeal
A dump of tens of thousands of colossal digital files from a single insurer is not unusual, and it'll be weeks before data firms can put the information in a usable format for employers and patients.