
Growing number of power outages pose grave threat to people who need medical equipment to live
Texas' power grid failure during a winter storm in February cut electricity to millions. As severe weather events become more frequent, those who use medical devices at home face a challenging future.
May 16 update on COVID-19 in MN: Vaccination pace remains near lowest point since February
The average number of new COVID-19 cases in Minnesota each day is at the lowest level seen in more than two months. But the pace of COVID vaccinations in Minnesota also remains stuck near its lowest point in more than two months.
Rebroadcast — In Focus: Stopping anti-Asian American hate in Minnesota
A rise in anti-Asian American incidents since the start of the pandemic has made headlines, but Asian Americans have been affected by racism since long before COVID-19. In this rebroadcast of an event in MPR News’ In Focus series, Tom Crann hosted a panel discussion on what’s being done to stop anti-Asian American hate in Minnesota.
'No shot, no date': Could teenagers make vaccinations cool again?
Teenagers are now a crucial part of public health officials’ efforts to get more people vaccinated now that the Pfizer vaccine has been approved for children 12 and older. This isn’t the first time that teenagers have played an important role in a vaccination campaign. More than 50 years ago, they helped popularize the polio vaccine.
Photos: Vaccine history repeats itself — sometimes
From the first vaccine (for smallpox) the questions have been the same. How do we transport it? Who's next to get it? Why so much hesitancy? The answers can be similar — or dramatically different.