
Women who do strength training live longer. How much is enough?
Strength training is good for everyone. But women who train regularly, reduce their risk of death from heart disease significantly. And here are 5 other hidden benefits of building muscle.
How high blood sugar, hypertension and obesity can add up to cancer risk
It's known that obesity is linked to many cancers. A study shows metabolic syndrome, which includes factors like high blood pressure and insulin resistance, also drives increased risk.
The U.S. prison population is rapidly graying. Prisons aren't built for what's coming
By one measure, about a third of all prisoners will be considered geriatric by 2030. Prison systems are grappling with how to care for their elderly prisoners — and how to pay for it.
A leading mindfulness teacher shares insights to counter tech addiction and isolation
Jon Kabat-Zinn, who brought mindfulness meditation into mainstream medical settings, discusses how the centering practice can help with some of today's widespread social problems.
How did the world run so low on cholera vaccine? As outbreaks grow, stockpile runs dry
With cholera on the rise around the world, the global vaccine stockpile is running dry. New doses go right to active outbreaks, with none left for prevention campaigns. Can vaccine makers catch up?
After Legionnaires’ outbreak, Grand Rapids will consider chlorinating water
The outbreak has now sickened 15 people. Health investigators believe the source is the city’s water distribution system. Grand Rapids does not regularly disinfect its water supply with chlorine, which health officials say can help control Legionella bacteria.
5 tips for spotting and debunking disinformation this election year
People who study misinformation say it’s easy to fall for and spread falsehoods. MPR News host Angela Davis talked with experts about what makes us believe things that aren’t true and how to spot and debunk disinformation.