
Trump admin will protect health workers who refuse services on religious grounds
The Division of Conscience and Religious Freedom is being established to aid health workers with objections rooted in conscience or religion to treating certain people and performing some procedures.
Concerns grow that infections from 'zombie deer' meat can jump to humans
Chronic Wasting Disease, a deadly neurological disorder similar to Mad Cow, has been detected in 24 states. So far it has posed no risk to people, but a new Canadian study has prompted more testing.
U.K. now has a minister for loneliness
According to government figures, more than 9 million people "always or often feel lonely," and many "older people have not had a conversation with a friend or relative in more than a month."
Doctor: Trump got perfect score on cognitive test
"He's very sharp. He's very articulate when he speaks to me," the Navy doctor who performed Trump's first medical checkup said. "I've never known him to repeat himself when he's around me. I found no reason whatsoever to think the president has any issues whatsoever with his thought process."
In occupation where stress is ample, farmers have few options for mental health care
Long distances and a stoic rural culture can keep farmers from seeking help, and that can lead to disaster. Therapists and fellow farmers are reaching out with a message: Don't keep it inside.
Tempted to stifle a loud or untimely sneeze? Let it out instead, doctors in England warned based on the very unusual case of a man who ruptured the back of his throat when he tried to suppress a sneeze.