
A radical Mideast proposal: What if the U.S. recognized a Palestinian state now?
The formula for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has long called for negotiating a Palestinian state. What if that were reversed and a state were declared first and then negotiated later?
In northern Minnesota, researchers and foresters prepare for emerald ash borer invasion
The invasive emerald ash borer has slowly munched its way across the state since it was first discovered in St. Paul in 2009. Now it’s on the doorstep of the largest ash forest in North America.
Minnesota lawmakers look to put packaging companies on the hook for materials waste
Amid growing amounts of discarded packaging materials, lawmakers ask: Who should pay to deal with it and how to slim the pile? A bill before the Minnesota Legislature puts that onus on packaging companies.
Minnesota-grown technology helps scientists track wildlife around the globe
Much of the research conducted around the world on hundreds of species of wildlife — from large mammals including moose and wolves, to birds and fish and reptiles, even insects — relies on technology developed, in part, in Minnesota.
Climate solution or pipe dream? Carbon capture and coal power plants
An electric cooperative that serves customers in Minnesota and North Dakota wants to build one of the worlds largest carbon capture facilities. Skeptics doubt Project Tundra will work, but the Biden administration has thrown its support behind the nearly $2 billion project.
Hackers are targeting a surprising group of people: young public school students
Districts store all kinds of sensitive student data, which means the consequences of a school cyberattack can follow pupils well into adulthood. And it's not just their credit that's at risk.
Proposed bill would ban legacy admissions at all Minnesota colleges
Sen. Clare Oumou Verbeten introduced the bill to counter the Supreme Court’s ruling against race-conscious admissions in 2023. Most Minnesota colleges and universities already do not consider those criteria.