
Sweet, savory, strange: Minnesota State Fair unveils new foods list for 2023
Pickle lemonade, crispy lutefisk steam buns, walleye fritter pops: They're all among the nearly three dozen new food offerings unveiled by the Minnesota State Fair on Tuesday.
An old drug offers a new way to stop STIs
Taken after sex, the antibiotic doxycycline can ward off some sexually transmitted illnesses. Doctors are already prescribing it and the CDC is expected to share guidance soon for how best to use it.
Minneapolis police chief says he was unaware of new hire's past excessive force allegations
Chief Brian O'Hara said he did not know a new officer allegedly used excessive force in a previous job before signing off on his hiring. Tyler Timberlake, who’s white, used a stun gun on Lamonta Gladney, who’s Black, and pressed his knees into his neck and back in 2020 in Fairfax County, Va.