
Congress zeroes in on China — as economic and security threats loom
The new House select committee looking at the strategic relationship between the U.S. and China holds its first hearing Tuesday. Lawmakers from both parties are teaming up on bills on range of issues.
How Russia is losing — and winning — the information war in Ukraine
The war in Ukraine is also playing out online, where Russia is using propaganda, fake accounts, and manipulated videos and images to deflect blame and undermine support for Ukraine.
Italy has kept its fascist monuments and buildings. The reasons are complex
Unlike Germany, which after World War II underwent a rigorous de-Nazification effort, pride, rather than shame, is the emotion many Italians feel for the symbols of the country's fascist past.
Turkey's Antakya is in ruins after the quake, erasing cultural and religious heritage
The city of Antakya, known in antiquity as Antioch, was at the crossroads of civilizations for centuries. After the Feb. 6 earthquake, many of its centuries-old monuments and sites lie in ruins.
Ukrainians in Minnesota pay it forward one year after fleeing war
As the Russian invasion of Ukraine reaches its first year, Ukrainians are coming to Minnesota in growing numbers. They’re getting help from Ukrainians here who can directly relate to what they’re going through.
What happens now after Russia suspends the last nuclear arms treaty with the U.S.?
Just before he invaded Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed with other leaders that "a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought." So why is he eroding a key treaty?
Biden in Poland says U.S. and allies 'have Ukraine's back'
President Joe Biden, in Poland after his lightning trip to Ukraine, is declaring that there are “hard and bitter days ahead” in fighting off Russia's invasion. But he's pledging that the United States and its allies will “have Ukraine’s back” as the war enters its second year.